One year old!

How is it my little girl is one now! She is growing so fast. Her birthday we went to the aquarium and then had her party the following day. She had a wonderful time at both. She is still a peanut but loves to talk, go for walks and eat. 🙂 her next appointment is in two weeks since her doctor is on vacation. Can’t wait to see how she has grown.

A year and one day ago.

One year ago tomorrow, on July 13 3016 was my due date. Amari sure made us wait though and didn’t enter this world until the 22nd. So I’ve done a lot of pondering back to my pregnancy. Is pregnancy all sun shine and roses, sure for some I suppose it is. For me it was scary, the hematoma, kick counts everything. Pregnancy anxiety ruled my life and I found it hard to function. I was so afraid I would lose her. The sigh of relief when I heard her cry was absolutely amazing.

So what was the last week and a half of pregnancy like? Everyday was like a year, no joke I went for walks daily. Everyone would give you advice about how to get her out. Some were funny others dangerous. I got to the point the last few days I just stayed home and ate ice cream. Urge tracks to be exact. At 41 weeks I had an ultrasound to check her all was fine so we waited until she was ready to go. Eventually I went into labor midnight at 41 weeks 2 days.

9 months plus

Well the last few months have been a whirlwind. Amari is growing like crazy and is such a lovely little girl. She bounces to music, smiles at everyone.

She was sick last week, viral it was awful. It is so hard, first time for everything I guess. She is much better now. But is fighting sleep. She is starting to crawl and stand unassisted which is great and scary all in one.

She is still my little peanut and is about 16.75lbs and 28 inches.


6 months and then some

Long time no talk again, I’m so sorry. Amari is doing fantastic she is attempting to scoot around and is keeping us busy. I’m obviously her favorite and love how excited she is to see me when I get home. We got through her first Christmas, New Years, baptism and Valentine’s Day with no issues. She is currently battling a cold but is so cute. She is almost seven months old! Time flies it seems like.

Her favorite activities are eating, sleeping and reading.

She hates sitting up without someone around, being tired and car seats.

Three months

img_4259I just wrote a whole update and it’s gone so cliftnote version.

Amari is growing like crazy over 14lbs and 25.5 inches. She had her first cold still does. I gave it to her, but she is handling it well. I felt awful about it.

She had injections a few weeks ago no problems. She is stronger then me.

Back to work, sucks I miss my peanut and wish I could stay home with her.

2 months well almost

Tomorrow my little girl turns two months old! What the hey, hard to believe last year at this time we were freezing embryos and now my little girl is here napping in her pack and play! She is somewhere around 13lbs and 23 3/4 inches. She sleeps like a pro gets that from her dad. And eats a lot!

Speaking of eats here is my breastfeeding story thus far. The first two weeks were terrible, cracked boobs, sore to the touch and when she latched all heck would break loose. I wanted to quit, my husband left it up to me. Said she had colostrum that’s all he cared about. But we stuck it out and now I love it. We did battle mastitis once already which she got through like a champ, and I caught it early. I hate pumping and bottles so I dread going back to work. Which will be in a few weeks. 😦 I will update more about work and pumping then.

Amari is a smiling giggling machine now it’s adorable. They grow and changed so much.


We did it!

It’s been almost a year. Oh my goodness has it really been that long? Let’s start at the very beginning of where I left off, we did transfer two the next month and guess what happened on Halloween, I got my first ever positive. Right I got pregnant! Best day ever, cue next day I started spitting. This happened all the time. My beta later that week was good, the next night a Friday started cramping at work and clotting. I ended up going to the er and we saw a heartbeat slow at 94 but there. The rest of the first trimester was a flurry of bleeding, ultrasounds and such. I didn’t post here because at first we wanted to keep it quiet then it became I didn’t want to come on just to say I lost it. By Christmas time the bleeding had slowed and we announced! Our baby decided to stick around, I weaned off progesterone without a hitch. In February baby cooperated for a gender scan, it’s a girl! That night Jim came up with her name. Amari it means strength and I would need it. I was diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety around that time and saw a therapist for a month or two, so embarrassing. But I needed it. The rest of pregnancy flew by, our baby shower was the first of May. Winnie the Pooh themed of course. My due date July 13 came and went. After waiting years for our baby she kept us waiting awhile longer. On July 22 she made her appearance. Birth story is below.
I started having pains about midnight on Friday 7/22/16. I tried to sleep through them until about 230, I lost my plug and started spotting so we went to the dr around 330. I was already 3 cm and having contractions every 5 minutes. They checked me again a few hours later and I was at 5. Then things slowed down. Around 10 they broke my water and I had fentynil. Which helped for the time being and let me nap for a half hour. Over the next few hours I didn’t progress as they hoped only going a centimeter in 4 hours. So they moved on to pitocin and I had an epidural it worked well, I felt pretty good and went from 6-10 cm in an hour at 430 I was ready to push. Amazingly my dr was there for the entire pushing stage, which is rather uncommon. The first hour I felt pretty good, the second I started getting sick and baby wasn’t progressing in spite of trying the chair, my side and bed. About an hour and a half in the dr said she thinks she was turned, if she didn’t move in an half hour they would call for a section. After another half hour nothing happened. They turned off the epidural by accident instead of the pitocin, so my contractions got quite painful and such. Luckily they caught it and got it changed. By this point I was crying not from pain so much as the rapid change in plans. We had a birth photographer she wasn’t allowed back, I was scared and shocked. Around 730 they got me all ready for the section, shaved and washed. They wheeled me into the or. I was awake the whole time. Dh came back around 745, at 758 I heard her first cry. It was beautiful, I wish I could have seen her before she got moved to the med cart but she was here happy and healthy. They cleaned her up and brought her to me. I gave her a kiss and they went back to measuring her. They then gave me meds to make me sleep while they were closing. I woke up at 930 in recovery and they got me back to the room at 945. I was shaking a lot but We had our first nursing session and she went to sleep. Since I had a section her first night she spent in the nursery. I found out later she had passed meconium before the section. But all was well. We went home that Monday!

Meet my little pumpkin! I promise it won’t be so long before I update again.



And we have blastocysts!

Got my daily phone call today. 🙂 we now have 4 frosties sitting in the freezer! For those of you wondering how 26 becomes 4, it’s a math game.

Of the 26 collected they say half will fertilize (half is 13) we had 15, of that half will be make it to blasts (7) we had 9. Of that half will expand into good quality freezer worthy embryos. So we ended with 4. All in all pretty normal results.

Day 5

We have a frostie (a frozen embryo) one has expanded and is now in the freezer. 8 others are still going but a bit slower so if they continue to go they will be frozen tomorrow.

Day 4 embryos

I have been a bit tight in the lungs today so I emailed my nurse. She told me to watch it and if anything else happens to call them. I’m the queen of pneumonia, bronchitis and all things sucky lungs. So this is no surprise. I did spend the day outside yesterday and saw cats which might not have helped.

In more exciting news. 10 embryos are classed as grade 1s, 2 are grade 2s. They will freeze tomorrow or Wednesday! 🙂